On May 9th, Chair Jaxon Ravens sent the following email to our list, asking them to support Irene Bowling for State Senate. To learn more about Irene or contribute to his campaign, go to http://irenebowling.com


Dear Friend,

Rodney Tom may be gone, but there is one more turncoat Democrat up for re-election this year.

Tim Sheldon of the 35th legislative district was elected as a Democrat. But he gave Republicans control of the State Senate when he and Rodney Tom began voting with them in 2013.

Since Tim gave Republicans power, they’ve failed to address the court order to fully fund education. They’ve denied teachers cost-of-living raises while protecting Big Oil’s tax break. And they’ve even moved forward a bill to lower the minimum wage for some workers.

Tim and his friends have created gridlock, failing to pass a capital budget or a transportation package.

Our state deserves better. Irene Bowling is running for State Senate in the 35th district, and she’ll bring responsible leadership to Olympia.

Irene Bowling comes from a working class family and worked hard to put herself through school and open a successful small business.

In her work as an educator and small business owner, she’s had the single aim of developing potential. Irene knows that the 35th district and our state have unlimited potential, and she’ll work to provide the tools and investments our communities need to thrive.

Irene shares our values. She believes in providing a world-class education for our children, investing in infrastructure to create jobs, and bringing accountable leadership to Olympia.

We need to gain two seats to take back control of the State Senate. Irene and all our candidates need strong and early support from Democrats from around the state.

Irene is an outstanding candidate and will make an outstanding State Senator. You can learn more about Irene, and contribute to her campaign, by going to irenebowling.com.

In solidarity,

Jaxon Ravens
Washington State Democrats Chair