Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our lifetime.
Climate change doesn’t only impact the future of our state. It’s a threat to our state right now. We’ve seen increasing asthma rates, rising acidity in our waters, more and more wildfires… all related to carbon pollution.
Our children have a right to a healthy Washington and a secure future. We have a moral obligation to act on climate before our state is changed forever.
That’s why Governor Inslee has led the process to move landmark legislation to hold polluters accountable — legislation backed by a majority of Democrats in the House and Senate, and a statewide coalition of business, labor, community and health care leaders.
House Bill 1314, the Carbon Pollution Accountability Act, will hold our state’s biggest polluters accountable for the carbon they emit. This is a strong step in showing how Washington can be a leader in creating a clean energy economy.
Yesterday, House Bill 1314 had its first hearing. Opponents were out in force, making the case that there’s nothing we can do to address the climate crisis. But in reality, they believe that there is nothing they should do.
Big polluters want you and me to keep paying the price of carbon pollution, a price paid by declining health, declining quality of life, and an unsafe environment. The Carbon Pollution Accountability Act will face a tough road ahead, especially when it goes to the Republican-controlled State Senate. Leaders in the State Senate deny that climate change is a problem at all.
Senator Doug Ericksen chairs the Energy and Environment committee, and he’s said he doubts climate change is occurring. Senator Andy Hill has called it a “hair on fire” issue.
You may not be surprised to learn: Ericksen and Hill also received the most money from oil, gas, and coal companies in 2014!