2017 Primary Election Countdown – 38 Days Away
The 2018 midterm elections are now just 500 days away – we’re fired up to take on Republicans and hold them accountable at the ballot box for their terrible positions on health care, education, human rights, and more.
Senate Reveals Trumpcare Bill
The Senate revealed its Trumpcare proposal in advance of a likely vote next week. No surprise – it would end health care for millions of Americans to give millionaires and billionaires a tax cut. This bill would probably be the single biggest transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the rich in American history.
Our Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell are fighting hard to oppose this bill. The swing votes will be in the states of Nevada, Alaska, West Virginia, and Ohio. If you have friends or family in those states, it’s critical that you encourage them to call their senators’ offices and weigh in against this terrible bill. A vote in the Senate is expected as soon as next Thursday, June 29th.
The House of Representatives has already announced their intention to vote on the bill quickly if it passes the Senate. This may be our last chance to save health care for 23 million Americans, maintain protections for those with pre-existing conditions, and continue to build towards a health care system that works for all.
You can help us oppose this bill with the online Trumpcare Toolkit– this has the information we need to lobby swing votes in the Senate and get the word out about the major negative impacts this bill would have on all of us. Please click here to help!
Stopping a State Government Shutdown
We’ve seen Republicans in Washington D.C. shut down the federal government, but now they’re threatening to do it in Washington state. If the legislature doesn’t pass a budget in the next week, state government will shut down on Saturday, July 1st, with massive consequences for all Washingtonians.
State parks will be shut down for the 4th of July weekend, public safety will be at risk when criminal investigations and supervision of released sex offenders are shut down, and tens of thousands of Washingtonians will go without essential services like food assistance and child care. You can read more about the consequences of a shutdown here.
Despite the risk of a shut down, Republicans are holding on to their extreme demands and still refusing to compromise with Democrats on a budget that fully funds education and essential services like the social safety net. Call the legislative hotline at 1-800-562-6000 and demand Republicans join Democrats in working towards a budget that avoids a shutdown and gets the job done for kids and schools. And click here for more ways to get involvedand put pressure on Republicans.
Join Michelle Rylands Sunday!
You know how important it is that we retake the state Senate – Michelle Rylands is our Democrat running in the 31st LD special election, and it’s important that we give her our enthusiastic support!
Michelle is a PTA President, a veteran, and a union member who works in law enforcement to keep us safe. She’s running to fully fund education, invest in job creation, and protecting health care – especially in rural areas like the 31st LD in South King County and Pierce County.
Her campaign kickoff is this Sunday, June 25th – the details are here and you can RSVP through this link:
Michelle Rylands’ campaign kickoff
Sunday, June 25th, 2:30 P M – 5 PM
Half Lion Brewing Co.
1723 W Valley Hwy E, Sumner, Washington 98390
Fight Back by Joining Summer of Canvass
We can fight back against the Republican assault on education and health care with our own people power! Our Summer of Canvass program is an exciting, volunteer-led canvassing program
These next few weeks are essential for getting the word out about what the Republicans are doing at the state and federal levels, and talking to our neighbors face-to-face is one of the best ways to spread the word.
We’re having canvasses across the state, and we need your help. You can sign up to join us here – we’ll be spreading the word and building our party infrastructure so we can elect progressives and build our political power to enact our positive agenda.
Please click here to join us – see you on the doors!
Help Fund Our Grassroots Organizing – Join The Resistance!
We’ve heard from the activists of the party that field organizing working with local party organizations is the most effective thing we can do to help, and that’s exactly what we’re doing. The Resistance is our new program that will help us build the progressive movement, win elections, and retake our state and our country!
Click here to find out more and help fund our grassroots efforts at $3, $7 or $14 dollars a month – even $27 – makes a huge difference! Thanks for considering and again, here is the link.
Thank you for your support!