RNC Kicks Off Convention Confirming GOP is the Party of Trump and Nothing Else
RNC Platform is Literally Nothing but Supporting Trump
SEATTLE — As the GOP kicks off their convention this week, they have left no doubt that their party has completely abandoned any previous principles they used to stand for in favor of pledging unqualified loyalty to President Trump. The RNC confirmed it would pass no platform during its 2020 convention and rule out of order any attempt by their delegates to do so.
This shouldn’t come as a surprise to observers of the Washington GOP over the last several months. At their state convention, the WA GOP offered voters nothing of substance but pledged unwavering loyalty to the least popular president in a century. Their candidates for Governor pledged fealty to Trump without hesitation. Out of those sycophants, the most Trumpian candidate — who was willing to go even further than the president in denying the severity of the coronavirus pandemic by continuing to hold in-person maskless rallies — emerged victorious from the primary.
“The RNC has confirmed what we’ve known for a long time — the only thing that defines the Republican Party in 2020 is loyalty to Donald Trump,” said Tina Podlodowski, Chair of the Washington State Democratic Party. “The RNC isn’t offering any policy solutions to the ongoing pandemic, any ideas on how to get millions of Americans safely back to work, or a positive vision for America because Trump simply has nothing to offer Americans but grievance and incompetence.”