Republican Tax Plan
According to a report by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Washington State stands to lose big if the U.S. Senate passes the Republican tax plan.
Under the version of the bill that passed the U.S. House, the version that has been pushed and peddled by Cathy McMorris Rodgers, $3.8 billion–or 46% of all tax cuts in the state–will go to Washington State’s wealthiest 1%.
What’s worse: Over half a million middle class Washingtonians would see a tax increase of about $1,000. Cathy McMorris Rodgers wants you to believe that you will get to keep more of your money under this bill. But she’s not being honest with her constituents, and she is hiding the fact that her tax bill will harm so many of them.
Enough is enough. First we need to make sure that this bill doesn’t pass the Senate. Then we need to repeal and replace Cathy McMorris Rodgers.
Senators Cantwell & Sanders to Debate Senators Cruz & Scott
Continuing on the topic of taxes, Washington State’s own Senator Maria Cantwell will join Senator Bernie Sanders to debate Republican Senators Ted Cruz and Tim Scott on the Republicans’ tax scam bill.
The town hall style debate will be moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, and will air Tuesday, November 28th, at 6:00 p.m. PST on CNN.
Health Insurance Exchange
Reminder: The open enrollment period for the health insurance exchange ends December 15th. That means you have until then to apply for a new health insurance plan for 2018. You can go to to apply for insurance or to change your coverage. If you’re not going to be in Washington State next year, go to to find coverage in your state.
CHIP Funding Running Out
Earlier this fall, Congress missed a September 30th deadline to continue to fund the Children’s Health Insurance Program, or CHIP, jeopardizing the health care of 9 million American children. If Congress doesn’t get it’s act together soon, children in some states will begin losing coverage this coming month.
While Congress is focused on creating tax loopholes for corporations and billionaires, millions of children are about to lose health coverage.
Dino Rossi is probably ecstatic. In 1999 he voted in the Washington State Senate Ways and Means Committee against implementing CHIP here in Washington. Additionally, Dino Rossi’s budget (the one you’ll hear him brag about over the next year) left 46,000 Washington children without health care. He’ll tell you he balanced the budget. Yeah, Dino. It’s easy to “balance the budget” if you ignore the health of tens of thousands of children in Washington State.
Congress has to act now to make sure the funding that millions of children rely on does not run dry. And then we need to make sure Dino Rossi gets nowhere near Congress.
ICYMI: Rise & Organize
In case you missed it: The Washington State Democrats rolled out our Rise & Organize program, combining our statewide organizing efforts with our monthly low-dollar fundraising campaign. Here’s the video we released:
If you’re not already a member of our monthly low-dollar donor program, you can join here. A few dollars a month will help us continue to ramp up our organizing efforts all over the state and mobilize to defeat Republicans like Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Dino Rossi. Plus you’ll get some new Rise & Organize gear when you sign up!