On February 27th, Party Affairs Manager Greg Haffner sent the following email to our email list about the 2014 Caucus and Convention Cycle. This process kicks off with the Legislative District Caucuses on March 9th. Click here to learn more about the 2014 Caucuses and Conventions. ------------ Dear Friend, Every two years, Democrats around the state gather with their neighbors
Governor Jay Inslee, Senator Patty Murray, Rep. Rick Larsen, Rep. Suzan DelBene, Rep. Denny Heck, Rep. Derek Kilmer, and King County Executive Dow Constantine will be our special guests at the 2014 Crab Feed and Grassroots Forum on Monday, February 17th, at St. Martin's University Pavilion in Lacey. We will also be joined by many of our State Representatives and Senators.
On February 1st, the Washington State Democratic Central Committee elected Jaxon Ravens as State Democratic Party Chair. The other candidates were Dana Laurent, Jim Kainber, and Jay Clough. The Washington State Democratic Central Committee consists of one man and one woman from every county and legislative district. This year, 166 state committee members participated in the