Former RNC staffer and candidate for the 45th LD Senate seat Jinyoung Lee Englund was registered to vote outside of the 45th district with a mailing address in Virginia as recently as April 4th, according to data provided by the Washington Secretary of State’s office.
According to a data file of registered voters provided by the Secretary of State’s office on April 4th 2017, Englund was registered to vote in the 48th LD at 17020 38th Pl NE, Bellevue WA 98008, with a mailing address at 181 East Reed Ave Unit 103, Alexandria VA 22305.
According to the Secretary of State’s MyVote website, Englund is now registered to vote at 16604 NE 145th St, Woodinville WA 98072, meaning that her registration address was moved into the 45th LD within just the last few days.
“I understand that with only 28% of 45th LD voters supporting Donald Trump last year, it was hard for the Republicans to find a candidate to run in the district. That’s not a big pool to recruit from,” said Washington State Democratic Party Chair Tina Podlodowski. “That must be why both Republican candidates currently declared in the 45th, Ken Smith and Jinyoung Lee Englund, moved into the district just days before filing.
“But this is about more than just where they lived – this is about connection to the community. Englund is moving into the district with values and beliefs that are wildly out of touch with the needs and concerns of 45th district voters. She’s a Washington D.C. political operative who’s spent her entire career promoting anti-choice policies, tax cuts for the rich, budgets that slash Medicare and health care, attacks on immigrants and more. 45th district voters deserve better than party-line politics and an extreme conservative agenda.”