Chair Podlodowski on Trump’s Tax Returns
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | September 28, 2020
SEATTLE — Tina Podlodowski, Chair of the Washington State Democratic Party, issued the following statement following the New York Times’ report on President Trump’s tax returns:
“These revelations about just how little Trump has paid in federal income taxes are shocking, but not surprising to anyone who has seen how he’s governed as president: he’s shown little regard for anyone but himself. Trump’s signature legislative achievement was a tax cut for wealthy investors like himself that left a trillion dollar hole in our deficit — while Trump paid just $750 in taxes that year.”
“With more than $100 million in debts coming due for Trump in the next 3 years, it’s clearer than ever that Trump’s reelection campaign is nothing more than a desperate man’s last gamble to once again dodge accountability for his personal losses — all while he shows no sympathy for the devastating losses suffered by more than 200,000 American families since the start of this pandemic. America needs a president who understands true loss is measured by an empty chair at the dinner table, not an empty balance sheet — and that president is Joe Biden.”