Our Brand New Rise & Organize Program

This week, we launched our new Rise & Organize Program, a merging of our statewide organizing efforts and our low-dollar grassroots fundraising campaign.

Here’s the video we launched explaining why we’ve rebranded:

We hope you’re as inspired as we are by the work our organizers and volunteers are doing every day across Washington State, and the relationships they’re building with voters all over. There are big races coming up next year, and we can’t afford to lose a day if we are going to defeat Republicans like Dino Rossi and Cathy McMorris Rodgers.

This is how we win — 2018 begins right now.

Online Store

This week, we’ve launched an online store for you to get all of your Democratic swag!

We are always looking for ways to show appreciation for our wonderful supporters. Now you can help us elect Democrats across Washington State AND receive a special gift as a thank you.

You can rep any and all of these awesome designs and know your contribution is supporting progressive candidates and causes all around our Evergreen State!

We’re going to keep updating the store, so stay tuned for new merchandise!

GOP Tax Scam

The U.S. House passed the GOP tax scam yesterday to thunderous applause from House Republicans and much bewilderment from virtually everyone else. The tax scam would rob the middle class of hard earned money and give it to corporations and billionaires through new and expanded loopholes.

All four Republican members of Washington State’s congressional delegation–Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Dan Newhouse, and Dave Reichert–voted for the scam, proving yet again that they do not care about the needs of their constituents.

And take a wild guess who was leading the nationwide charge to swindle hard-working Americans while creating loopholes for the ultra-wealthy? Washington’s very own Cathy McMorris Rodgers. How embarrassing.

And if that wasn’t bad enough, Cathy McMorris Rodgers swooned over Donald Trump when he stopped by yesterday to congratulate House Republicans on successfully completing Phase I of their elaborate con on the American people.

In her tweet, Cathy even doubled down on the lie that her tax bill is intended “to provide tax relief to middle class Americans.” No, it’s not. It’s intended to pad the pockets of Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ special interest friends. Friends who are ultra-wealthy and own business empires. Friends like Donald Trump.

Burien Update


Congratulations to Pedro, Jimmy, Nancy, and Krystal– and to their campaign staff, volunteers, supporters, and all Burienites. You’re going to have a city council that is working for all of Burien. This is why we do what we do.