On February 27th, Party Affairs Manager Greg Haffner sent the following email to our email list about the 2014 Caucus and Convention Cycle. This process kicks off with the Legislative District Caucuses on March 9th.
Dear Friend,
Every two years, Democrats around the state gather with their neighbors at Caucuses and Conventions to decide on the direction of the Washington State Democratic Party.
This year, that process kicks off on March 9th with the Legislative District Caucuses. These Caucuses are followed by County Conventions on April 12th and the State Convention on June 21st in Spokane.
We need to create a Party that represents you – That’s why the Caucuses and Conventions are so important.
By attending your County Convention as an involved Democrat, or by attending the State Convention as an elected delegate, you’ll have the chance to shape our Party platform and pass resolutions.
Have you been meaning to get more involved with Democrats in your area? The Caucuses and Conventions are a great place to start. Attend your Legislative District Caucus and run for State Convention delegate.
In 2008, Washington State hosted the largest Precinct Caucuses in United States history. The Caucuses kicked off the grassroots movement that elected Barack Obama in that historic election.
Greg Haffner
Party Affairs Manager
Washington State Democrats