Winning back the State Senate majority is one of the topic priorities of the Washington State Democrats this fall. That’s why we’re sending out a series of emails featuring our targeted races for State Senate. On July 3rd, Chair Jaxon Ravens sent out this email asking people to support Judy Arbogast for State Senate:

Dear Friend,

Last fall, Jan Angel won a State Senate seat in the 26th District thanks to the backing of the Koch Brothers and other conservative special interests.

Now that she’s in office, she hasn’t disappointed them.

She’s shocked even members of her own party with her support of extreme legislation.

In one of the most controversial moves of the session, she tried to kill a bill that funds most of the state’s homeless programs!

We cannot have four more years of Jan Angel misrepresenting the people of her district and Washington State.

We need compassionate voices in the State Senate who will fight for the middle class. We need Judy Arbogast.

Judy Arbogast is challenging Jan Angel for State Senate. Will you sign our petition and show your support for Judy?

Judy Arbogast never ended a school year as a teacher without finishing her job, and she will do the same for us in Olympia too. 

Judy is a community leader and a mom, not a career politician. She shares our community’s values and will work to represent all of us. 

Judy’s campaign has already been endorsed by the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO, Washington Conservation Voters, and the Washington Education Association. To learn more about Judy and see her full list of endorsers visit

This race is critical for taking back control of the Senate. Sign on as a supporter of Judy Arbogast today. 

In solidarity,
