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Final 2018 WA-05 Debate: Lisa Brown Promotes Solutions, Cathy Runs from Record

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | October 24, 2018
WALLA WALLA, WA—After today’s Walla Walla Community College debate between former WSU Chancellor Lisa Brown, and 14-year incumbent Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Washington State Democratic Party Chair Tina Podlodowski released the following statement:

“The rosy picture Cathy McMorris Rodgers painted of the District she has neglected for 14 years was truly a funhouse mirror version of reality.

“When Cathy said what women of the future need most is confidence, Lisa pointed out women need more than confidence, they need rights — including reproductive rights, the protections provided by the Violence Against Women Act, and equal pay.

“Cathy touted supposedly helpful technical changes she made to federal Pell Grants, and Lisa reminded the audience of the numerous times Cathy voted to slash the program.

“When Cathy spoke of supporting Dreamers, Lisa pushed back — asking when Cathy will actually do anything about it.

“And while Republican Cathy McMorris Rodgers once again lied about voting to take away protections for people with pre-existing conditions, Lisa set the record straight.

“Capping her closing statement, Lisa put it this way: ‘In Congress, I will work for you … I will not just deliver talking points for my party, but I will work to get things done.’”
