ICYMI: GOP Gubernatorial Primary “This Is Really Just Turning Into A Clown Race.”

Seattle Times reports Republican leaders are freaking out over field of extremist candidates to lead their ticket the week voters receive ballots


ICYMI: Yesterday, the Seattle Times reported some Republican leaders are concerned — if not showing “outright panic” — about how the pairing of any of their extreme roster of candidates for governor with Donald Trump will hurt Republicans down-ballot. 

They are absolutely correct. 

Hell, one of the candidates for governor even described the race this way: “This is really just turning into a clown race.” 

Notable clips from the Seattle Times’ report:

“Outright Panic” Over Trump and Current Field 

“But the boomlet of support also reflects concern — if not outright panic — among some Republicans over the prospect of a ticket led by President Donald Trump and Eyman this fall. Former Secretary of State Sam Reed, who is chairing Garcia’s campaign, said he worries about down-ballot damage to Republicans like Secretary of State Kim Wyman, who is seeking reelection. ‘We know that Trump doesn’t work that well in the state of Washington, and we just can’t have a gubernatorial candidate that doesn’t either,’ he said.”

Tim Eyman: Chair Thief, Accused of Violating Campaign Finance Laws To Enrich Himself Through Laundered Political Donations And Kickbacks 

“Eyman’s notoriety brings negatives for many voters, particularly in Seattle and King County. He remains mired in a long-running lawsuit brought by State Attorney General Bob Ferguson, who accuses Eyman of violating campaign finance laws to enrich himself through laundered political donations and kickbacks. Eyman denies wrongdoing, but has paid more than $300,000 in contempt penalties in the lawsuit, and filed for bankruptcy. A trial in the case is scheduled for Nov. 16….Last year, Eyman settled charges that he stole a $70 chair from an Office Depot in Lacey, in an incident caught on video that went viral online.”

Loren Culp: Anti-gun Safety Advocate who is Accused Of Intimidating A Molestation Victim and Continues to Defend Molestor’s Innoncence Despite Guilty Plea. 

“As the only police officer running, Culp has expressed sorrow for the death of George Floyd, but denies that race necessarily played any role. “Just because Mr. Floyd was black and the officer was white does not mean it was a racist thing,” he said. Culp faces an ongoing civil lawsuit, filed in 2017, accusing him of botching a child sexual-abuse investigation and intimidating the victim. Records show Culp did not believe a 17-year-old girl’s claims of being molested for more than a decade by a male relative. After Benton County authorities took up the case, the man pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree child molestation. Culp has said he doesn’t believe the guilty plea means the abuse occurred and has dismissed attention to the case as a plot by the media and political rivals.

Joshua Freed: As Mayor, Accused Of Ethics Violations For Personal Gain

He generated controversy in that role when he bought part of a local golf course after the city declined a purchase option, and pursued a high-end private housing development. While he was cleared of ethics violations, Freed faced public backlash and declined to run for reelection in 2017.”

Raul Garcia: Late Filing Candidate Had DUI Where Blood-Alcohol Level Was “Three Times The Legal Limit” — Yet Still Denies He Was Intoxicated

“Garcia also has personal baggage. During a 2014 DUI arrest in King County, police recorded his blood-alcohol level at 0.240 on a Sunday morning — three times the legal limit. Convicted after a jury trial, he appealed and was eventually allowed to plead guilty to reckless driving, according to court records. Garcia, whose DUI-defense attorney challenged the accuracy of the blood-alcohol testing, maintains he was not intoxicated but merely exhausted. “The end result was, I think, something I took responsibility for. I shouldn’t have been driving,” he said.”

Phil Fortunado: Called Primary a “Clown Race”

Fortunato, the state senator from Auburn, sounds bemused at times by his competition, noting he is the only current Republican officeholder running for governor.

“This is really just turning into a clown race,” he said, noting the three dozen people on the ballot.