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    You’re invited: 2015 Crab Feed and Grassroots Forum

    You're invited to our annual Presidents' Day event — the 2015 Crab Feed and Grassroots Forum! Every year on Presidents' Day, Democrats from across the state join us in Olympia to look forward to the year ahead, mix with legislators, and enjoy crab and other delicious seafood (a vegetarian plate will be available).   Prior to the Crab Feed, we sponsor a Grassroots Forum, an

    Choose a path

    Today in his State of the State speech, Governor Inslee posed this question — Will we create a Washington that works for everyone, or will we stand by as our schools, environment, and communities get weaker? Yesterday was the first day of the 2015 legislative session. Over the next 104 days, lawmakers will have many opportunities to ask themselves this question.

    Governor Inslee’s budget: A bold new vision for reinvesting in our state

    Governor Inslee has unveiled a bold new budget that fairly reinvests in our state and our middle class. Since the recession, our state’s seen repeated cuts to vital services that have hurt our children, our senior citizens, our schools, and our most vulnerable. As Governor Inslee’s said yesterday “This isn't another plan that puts a Band-Aid on our budget problems. This plan

    Putting kids first

    Our kids deserve a quality education system. That’s why Governor Inslee has made education the centerpiece of his budget. Yesterday, the governor released details of his education plan. The governor’s plan invests $2.3 billion in education, including the largest investment ever in early education and the largest investment in basic education in two decades. The plan reduces

    Statement about Michael Brown and Eric Garner decisions

    The Michael Brown and Eric Garner decisions have shed a spotlight on the challenges our country face when it comes to the relationship between police and communities of color. We call for impartiality and accountability for law enforcement and applaud efforts by President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder to provide guidance. Protests also play an important role in making

    Change in local Party leadership with reorganization meetings

    Did you know there is a local Democratic organization in every County and Legislative District? Our local Democratic organizations are the heart and soul of our Party. They make up an important part of our Party's grassroots. They drive discussion of local issues and elections, help define our Platform and values, and engage activists, giving rise to the future leaders of the

    Sign on to support President Obama’s action on immigration

    President Obama has offered a ray of hope to immigrant families. Up to 5 million mothers and fathers will be saved from the daily fear that they will be separated from their children. They’ll be able to pursue work legally instead of being victimized by unscrupulous employers. They’ll have a life of dignity, instead of one lived in the shadows. President Obama's action pays

    Filling the vacancy in the 30th District

    On October 29th, our Democratic family lost Roger Freeman, State Representative for the 30th District, who passed away due to cancer. His name remained on the ballot, and he went on to win the race for State Representative on Election Day.

    2014 Holiday Party

    A whimsical winter circus awaits you at the Washington State Democrats Annual Holiday Party on Sunday, December 7th, at the Westin Seattle! You are invited to a holiday reception to celebrate the end of another year, and another exciting election season.  Buy your ticket today at www.wa-democrats.org/holiday

    ANNOUNCING: 2014 Warren G. Magnuson Award winners

    On October 11th, we'll gather for the Warren G. Magnuson Dinner and Awards Ceremony, with special guest Congressman Joaquin Castro. The Magnuson Awards are our opportunity to honor standout Democrats across the state. We were moved and humbled by the many nominations we received. From that list of nominations, we have chosen to honor the following Democrats at this year's